Miller, Canfield, Paddock & Stone PLC
An International Law Firm
Chambers USA judges our real estate practice as one of the best and most comprehensive in the state, naming five Miller Canfield real estate attorneys worthy of note for their expertise. Midwest Real Estate News consistently ranks Miller Canfield as the premier law firm in Michigan for real estate law, and this year, recognized the firm as second (and the top Michigan-based law firm) on its list of Best of the Best Real Estate Firms in the Midwest.
Miller Canfield's real estate clients rely with confidence on our attorneys’ wealth of knowledge and capabilities in virtually every aspect of real estate activity. Representing and counseling our business clients, or working as an extension of clients’ in-house staff, we save clients time and money in development, financing, construction, leasing, zoning, sale, and purchases of improved and unimproved property, residential, commercial, industrial, and public-use properties.
We assist developers, corporations, lenders, borrowers, governmental entities, landlords and tenants, buyers, and sellers in transactions that involve all types of real property -- office buildings, shopping centers, industrial and research parks, hotels, airports, hospitals, schools, stadiums, multi- and single family residential subdivisions and housing developments, as well as undeveloped land of all description.
To serve clients cost-effectively, Miller Canfield real estate attorneys have developed key technology, standardized procedures, and documentation that are tailored to meet the requirements of each client and the peculiarities of each transaction. Additionally, clients have access to the counsel of accomplished Miller Canfield attorneys with expertise in each of the specialized areas of law that are part of most real estate transactions, so there are no surprises or costly oversights. Our fundamental, hands-on understanding of the demands, concerns, and pressures of all parties to these transactions result in high-quality legal services delivered with the expedience and cost-efficiency that clients value. And, because we know that successful representation in substantial transactions requires an integrated coordination of services, we assign a client-responsible partner to each transaction to serve as the point person for the transaction.
Detailed descriptions of some of our key areas of practice follow, and additional real estate services include:
* Architect Agreements
* Condominium and Cooperative Conversions
* Construction Contracts and Disputes
* Distressed Loan Workouts
* Environmental Compliance
* Equipment Finance and Leasing
* Foreclosure
* Mortgage-backed Securities
* Tax-exempt Financing
* Title Review
* Zoning and Land Use
Miller, Canfield, Paddock & Stone PLC
225 W Washington St #2600
Chicago IL 60606
Tel: 312 460-4200; 312 924-2896
Fax: 312 460-4201
