Joseph N DuCanto
Chicago Divorce Lawyers
* Family Law, Matrimonial Law, And Divorce
* Litigation In Trial Courts
* Negotiated Settlements
* Premarital and Postnuptial Agreements
* Marital Settlement Agreements And Separation Agreements
* Collaborative Law
* Mediation
* Custody And Visitation
* Property Division
* Maintenance / Alimony
* Child Support
* Tax And Financial Planning In The Context Of Divorce
* Parentage / Paternity Cases
* Retirement Plans And Benefits
* Domestic Violence And Orders Of Protection
* Post Divorce Disputes
* Appeals
Schiller DuCanto & Fleck LLP is the family law firm that works with clients to solve problems and to achieve the best possible results. We are the largest law firm in the country focusing exclusively on family law. Schiller DuCanto & Fleck LLP is internationally recognized as a model for firms practicing in that field.
Fellow - American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers
Joseph N DuCanto
Schiller DuCanto & Fleck LLP
200 N LaSalle St #3000
Chicago IL 60601-1020
Tel: 312 609-5505
Fax: 312 641-6361
Mr. DuCanto represents individuals whose complex cases involve multi-million-dollar holdings and require sophisticated financial expertise in matters of personal tax consequences, business valuation, the discovery of assets, property settlement, support issues, and trust and estate planning, which are incident to the division of upper tax bracket marital estates. The Board of Regents of the Academy of Illinois Lawyers has elected Joseph N. DuCanto as a Laureate in the Academy. Such election is extended to several attorneys each year from State Bar members, including those recognized posthumously. The Academy was formed in 1993 to honor and recognize members who exemplify the best of the legal profession and Mr. DuCanto was selected as a true example of the high standards and integrity of that profession. Mr. DuCanto is recognized nationally as one of the foremost authorities on divorce taxation and finance, as well as trusts and estate planning as related to divorce. A practicing divorce attorney for over 50 years, Mr. DuCanto is a prolific author. He has contributed articles to numerous professional journals and published various practice aids used by lawyers and accountants. Town and Country magazine has cited Mr. DuCanto as one of the nation’s best matrimonial lawyers, and he has been named in Naifeh and Smith’s Best Lawyers in America.
