Donald C Schiller
Chicago Divorce Lawyers
* Family Law, Matrimonial Law, And Divorce
* Litigation In Trial Courts
* Negotiated Settlements
* Premarital and Postnuptial Agreements
* Marital Settlement Agreements And Separation Agreements
* Collaborative Law
* Mediation
* Custody And Visitation
* Property Division
* Maintenance / Alimony
* Child Support
* Tax And Financial Planning In The Context Of Divorce
* Parentage / Paternity Cases
* Retirement Plans And Benefits
* Domestic Violence And Orders Of Protection
* Post Divorce Disputes
* Appeals
Schiller DuCanto & Fleck LLP is the family law firm that works with clients to solve problems and to achieve the best possible results. We are the largest law firm in the country focusing exclusively on family law. Schiller DuCanto & Fleck LLP is internationally recognized as a model for firms practicing in that field.
Fellow - American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers
Donald C Schiller
Schiller DuCanto & Fleck LLP
200 N LaSalle St - 30th floor
Chicago IL 60601-1089
Tel: 312 609-5560
Fax: 312 641-6361
Mr. Schiller represents leaders or the spouses of leaders from the business, professional and entertainment/sports communities. He focuses on settlements, trials and appeals in high stakes divorce cases. In addition he teaches Divorce Practice at The University Of Chicago Law School. He has been recognized as one of Illinois’ and the Country’s top matrimonial lawyers by: : Town and Country Magazine, Worth Magazine, Chicago Sun-Times, National Law Journal, Crain’s Chicago Business and is one of the national Law Dragon’s 500. Schiller is listed in all editions of The Best Lawyers In America and in 2009 was the first to be named as Chicago’s Lawyer Of The Year For Family Law. In addition, for the last several years he has been and continues to be recognized in peer surveys as one of Illinois’ Top 10 Lawyers considering all areas of practice published in both Super Lawyers and Leading Lawyers Network magazines. He is also the subject of a chapter in the book The Divorce Lawyers authored by Emily Couric. His peers have selected him to carry out major professional responsibilities, which included: President of the Illinois State Bar Association after earlier serving as Chair of the State Bar’s Family Law Section; member of the Board of Directors of the Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education where he continues to teach and write; member of the Board of Governors of the American Bar Association, after earlier serving as Chair of the ABA’s Family Law Section; a co-founder and faculty member of the ABA Family Law Trial Advocacy Institute; and National Chair of the American Academy Of Matrimonial Lawyers’ Continuing Legal Education Committee. He has served Illinois Courts: Chairing the Circuit Court of Cook County’s Domestic Relations Management Advisory Committee for seven years and presently Co-Chairs its Rules Committee. Schiller has been a Diplomat of the American College of Family Trial Lawyers since its inception.
