David Clyde Ainley
Chicago area matrimonial law firm
Co-principals P. Andre Katz and Daniel R. Stefani, along with our tremendous legal team at Katz & Stefani, LLC, are among a select group of matrimonial law practitioners in the Chicago area who understand and deliver the highest caliber client representation while generating great results in the process. Our firm respects every client's privacy concerns and strives to provide representation that minimizes the typical fueling of client hostilities while maximizing results.
The Katz & Stefani team has represented many individuals whose cases involved the distribution of multi-million dollar holdings and required sophisticated financial expertise. Our lawyers have extensive backgrounds in business, financial planning, taxation and accounting. They also have considerable experience in custody issues, including but not limited to international custody disputes involving the Hague Convention, as well as interstate custody disputes brought under the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Enforcement Act ("UCCJEA").
We see people usually at the worst point in their lives, and we try to bring dignity to the process without compromising our client's position. We created Katz & Stefani, LLC out of a common respect for a smarter, more thoughtful, client-driven approach to an area of law that desperately needs a new direction.
Fellow - American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers
David Clyde Ainley
222 N LaSalle St #2150
Chicago IL 60601
Tel: 312 364-9000
Fax: 312 364-9035
E-mail: dainley@KatzStefani.com
As an experienced trial attorney, Mr. Ainley begins every relationship with his matrimonial law clients by helping them identify the desired end-result and then maintaining their focus on that goal throughout the process. "By separating the emotional and legal aspects of the case, we can minimize time spent on issues that deviate from the desired end-result and create a much more efficient way of managing the case."
