Cooney & Conway
Illinois Mesothelioma Litigation Attorneys | Asbestos Exposure Illinois Attorneys Chicago IL
Mesothelioma Litigation Lawyers
The latest statistics show that between 1980 and 2000, thousands of men and women died from mesothelioma. If someone in your family has been affected by this grave disease, you may be legally entitled to financial compensation to help cover your losses. Contact the mesothelioma lawyers at Cooney & Conway today.
Chicago Illinois Mesothelioma and Asbestos Lawyers of Cooney & Conway
The law offices of Cooney & Conway in Chicago, Illinois represent victims of mesothelioma throughout the United States. At Cooney & Conway, our primary concern is making sure mesothelioma victims and their families receive the compensation they deserve.
If you or a family member suffers from mesothelioma, we can help you make a claim against the responsible parties. Contact our mesothelioma attorneys for a free case evaluation and information on what steps you need to take.
Contact the mesothelioma lawyers at Cooney & Conway today to learn more about our practice. We use a number of effective tools and resources that identify manufacturers and worksites. Our attorneys are prepared for litigation against the corporations that caused your injury.
Asbestos: An Invisible Killer
Asbestos is a fibrous mineral that has been used as insulation and a fire retardant in a wide variety of products. Asbestos can produce dust that, when inhaled, becomes deposited in the lungs. Asbestos in the lungs can cause or contribute to the development of illnesses, especially mesothelioma (a malignant form of cancer in the lining of the chest or abdominal cavities), asbestosis (a fibrous scarring of the lungs) and lung cancer.
Federal regulation of asbestos began in the 1970s. Due to health concerns, all new uses of asbestos in the United States were banned in July 1989. That year, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a final rule, entitled "Asbestos: Manufacture, Importation, Processing, and Distribution in Commerce Prohibitions," which eventually led to banning about 94 percent of the asbestos used in the US (based on 1985 estimates). Most asbestos uses established before that date are still allowed, but now are strictly regulated by the government.
If you have an asbestos-related illness like mesothelioma or an asbestos contamination problem in your home or business, talk to an experienced, skilled asbestos attorney. Contact our firm to learn more about your potential legal remedies.
Mesothelioma Basics
Mesothelioma, a relatively rare condition, is a deadly, aggressive cancer almost always linked to contact with asbestos. Typically, people suffering from mesothelioma have a history of asbestos exposure that was heavy, repeated and concentrated in an industrial setting. However, the heavy exposure may have been for a period as short as a few days.
Other Asbestos-Related Diseases
In addition to mesothelioma, exposure to airborne asbestos fibers increases the risk of two other major diseases: asbestosis and lung cancer. Asbestos also heightens the risk of stomach and larynx cancer. Asbestos-related diseases can take decades to develop, often appearing after retirement from an industrial career that involved asbestos exposure. Governmental regulation of asbestos has tightened significantly since the 1970s, has reduced the number of people exposed to asbestos.
Legal Redress for Mesothelioma and Other Asbestos Injuries
In the past century, millions of people were exposed to harmful, airborne asbestos fibers in industrial settings and through the use of asbestos-containing products and construction materials. Sometimes the dangerous, often fatal, diseases from breathing or ingesting asbestos fibers do not manifest for even up to 50 years. People exposed decades ago are developing asbestos-induced illnesses like mesothelioma and asbestosis today.
Common Aspects of Asbestos Lawsuits
Asbestos is a naturally-occurring mineral that was used in construction materials and consumer products for its fire-resistant and strengthening properties. When asbestos is released into the air in microscopic, dusty and threadlike fibers, it is breathed into the body and lodges dangerously in the lungs, where it can lurk for decades before producing severe, even fatal, diseases, such as mesothelioma.
Cooney & Conway
120 N Lasalle St #3000
Chicago IL 60602-2415
Tel: 888 651-1850
Fax: 312 236-3029
