Connelly Roberts & McGivney LLC
Chicago attorneys and legal services
* Corporate & Securities Transactions
* Intellectual Property & Licensing
* Business & Commercial Litigation
* Professional Liability
* Real Estate Transactions
* Construction Law
* Commodities/Futures/Derivatives
* Transportation
* General Product & Tort Liability
* Employment & Labor Law
Our Intellectual Property and Licensing practice group services our clients through extensive expertise in software and technology licensing and development agreements, trademarks, copyrights, computer law, and trade secrets law.
* Software and technology development, license, consulting and distribution agreements
* Clearance for trademarks and copyrights, including extensive searches
* Registration and maintenance of trademarks and copyrights, domestic and foreign
* Licensing for patents, trademarks and copyrights
* Technology transfer agreements
* Trade secrets
* Counseling on the scope of available intellectual property protection
Connelly Roberts & McGivney LLC
55 W Monroe #1700
Chicago IL 60603
Tel: 312 251-9600
Fax: 312 251-9601
